Confession booth:
Gumede: Father, I found a piece of rope in the fields and took it.
Father Abraham: That's not too bad. Just return the rope my child where you found it.
Gumede: Hawu, return the rope?
Father Abraham: Yes, return the rope.
Gumede:It's about 5 meters long, old, starting to unravel, a bit muddy, made from strong abaca...
Father Abraham: No,no, no my child there is no need for details.
Gumede: (To himself) Oh good, I was gonna tell him there was a cow tied at the end when I found it.
Hahahahahah (lol)
On another note confession is important , it is important to you and also to God or other parties involved. To you it can be part of your healing, cleansing or sanctification and growth. To God and other parties involved it implies that we are assuming responsibility for our actions. Undoubtedly, the most quoted verse regarding confession is:
"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness [1 John 1:19] ".
It is true, He is faithful to forgive us. Confession is one of the missing ingredients these days. We feel bad about things we have said and done , but often it’s over the wrong reasons (lol). And when we do feel sorry for our wrongs, we don’t really know what to do about it. We feel like we would be cheapening the blood of Christ if we confessed again and again. So we hesitate to repent, we don’t confess and don't enjoy a clean conscience.When you feel a conviction, don't waste time just do it, confess and ask for forgiveness.
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