Friday, 18 October 2013



As I was waiting in line at the doctor’s surgery for my yearly check-up, I looked around at all the people who were there with me in the line. There were the young & old, the professional and unskilled employee, the beautiful & handsome people from all walks of life. As we sat in the line the doctor came out to call his next patient in the queue.  A women stood up but to apologies that her husband whom she had booked the doctors appointment for had not arrived yet since he was running late. They had arranged that they would meet at the doctor’s surgery to see the doctor together but because she was not sick the doctor had no business with her at that moment. The doctor had no choice but to call in the next patient. This incident brought back the scripture that say

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.  But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” [Matt 9 :12-13]

Sometimes believers forget what God’s purpose for sending Jesus was [John 4:18-19]. Jesus is the doctor, you are blessed if you have him already, let the blessing spread to othersThey sometimes want to isolate him or make him exclusive to the believers only yet he came so that ALL would be saved. If a person does not believe in God yet it does not mean they will never ever believe. For example that thief, adulterer, drunkered or prostitute ect needs his services more than any saint ever will. The church is now seen as a place for only the perfect holy saints to go in and where no sinner is welcomed to fellowship.  I am reminded of when the American actor & comedian Steve Harvey talked about this issue on a TV show with Kirk Franklin and also with Donny McClurkin. Steve was so disturbed by the cold shoulder or perception that if you are not seen at church every day or Sunday then you are automatically a demon and have no business with God such that it brought him to tears.  He said that whenever he declared his belief in God people would be so shocked but the truth is the rappers, actors & other celebrities who seem ungodly to people also pray because they need God too.  

If we were all righteous then there was no need for Jesus to come down and save from sin, we all come from a place unrighteousness but were made righteous through Christ. For some people it is easy to believe in God but for others it takes a little longer like with one of Jesus ‘s disciple Thomas [John 20:25]. The church should not close the door or throw in the towel on non believers but should welcome them because they need Jesus more than the “saints”. Share your knowledge of Christ, allow non believers to experience him and remember Jesus was sent to the world not only to church. Let doctor Jesus deal with his patients, allow his patience to call him whenever they need him. 

Here is a clip of the interview with Steve Harvey

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